Then there is the unfortunate bottom tier. Poor losers. These are the bottom 10% that aren't willing to get help, don't listen to people that have already done it and have something to offer. Nothing is ever good enough for them, they're usually pigheaded and stubborn. They get so caught up in doing things "their way" that they lose sight of the overall mission, often dropping dollars to pick up dimes.
Finally there is the middle 80%, these people are good, hard working people who have a lot going on, but often get stuck on a plateau and need help occasionally. They may not be as gifted but work hard. They have good ideas, but still need help to improve. They aren't afraid of action, but often lack the knowledge to get past a certain point in their life. Thats where a good coach comes in.
The athlete needs to bring their own energy and motivation, the coach brings the instruction and game plan. Check out this video...