We did lots of mobility and "feel good" work this morning. Then we had a half hour to let 'er rip and have some fun. I know of few things that are more fun than picking things up and putting them down. See what I did there? Funny right? I know. Throw some abs in for old times sake and a few jokes, you got yourself a jolly old time. Feel free to add your thoughts on how terribly stupid this is or if it fits in your boat of good ideas, let us know that, too. The able fellas who could pick the heavy and odd objects up to the shoulders, did so in a train like fashion. They then preceded with moderate push presses. This got a load from floor to overhead. The less strong of the crew did basic deadlifts, moving a load from floor to the hip, they then did sandbag shouldering which created some speed and dynamic movement getting a load from the hip to the shoulders. Then finally, they did barbell push presses which got the load from shoulder to overhead. All in all, it was dirty fun. Enjoy.
I'm considering making a separate page exclusively for exercises. Let me know what you think.
Anyone in the Crossfit community is surely aware of the fundraiser that is underway all over the world right now, Barbells for Boobs! It is a great cause and all the proceeds go towards women who need financial support for mammograms, breast cancer,etc. You can donate money or participate in a Crossfit workout called "Grace", which consists of 30 clean & jerks with 135#/men, 95#/women done for time. More info can be found at Crossfit.com or you local Crossfit affiliate. Please do what you can to donate some money to this charity and if at all possible, lift some barbells to help the cause. Save the tata's!
Donate here... http://www.barbellsforboobs.com/ Perform all necessary warm ups for barbell movements. 1. Clean & jerk 10x1 2a. Bench press bodyweight 3-5 x max reps 2b. Pullups 3-5 x max reps -Beat last weeks performance 3. Farmer's carries 3-5 x max distance 4. Abs- Hollow Rock x 2 minutes We started today with thick bar clean and jerks. Honestly, it's one of the top five ways to start a man's day. The only thing better in Frank's opinion, (Frank is the tall, gangly fella who makes fart noises in the video frequently) would be to start the day be drawing an unusually large penis on the whiteboard for everyones viewing pleasure. But he trains for something else:) Not that there's anything wrong with that... Back to the training. After that, repetition effort bench pressing followed by repetition effort pullups. Talk about upper body pump! I gots my swole on, big time. Finally, we got out the farmers bars for some carry's for distance. Simple day, hard work, good times.
1.) Thick bar clean & jerk 10x1 2a.) Bench press bodyweight 3-5 x max reps 2b.) Pullups 3-5 x max reps 3.) Farmer's carries 3-5 x max distance -we used a moderate 155lbs on each handle, as we are trying to increase conditioning a little more, bigger weight to come. We all want to be the first to carry 315 per hand! Enjoy the video, I know not all of the lifts have perfect form, that's why we watch, coach, correct and continue. It's when you don't know the faults, or worse, ignore the fault's and fail to correct them that present's a problem. Train to win, Matt |
November 2016
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