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Why you should join The Consummate Athlete?
You want a firmer grasp of learning how to implement the basics of training to beginners to enhance their training experience
You are tired of the basic bodyweight & kettlebell exercises and want to learn some new exercises to keep training interesting
You are tired of articles & information which simply rehash the same material! You want something fresh and exciting. You want to be the dominant factor!
You want to learn more about hormone optimization.
You want to meet a great community of like minded athletes and learn from everyones experiences
You have seen some of the crazy stuff we do and want to learn how to start training harder and safer and want to learn how to do them properly
You want to learn how to incorporate olympic lifting and gymnastics into a solid program
You want to learn some kettlebell & bodyweight complexes to ramp up conditioning
You are looking for a community that covers joint mobility, stretching, advanced kettlebell training, olympic lifting and nutrition!
You are an athlete or trainer and want to add a variety of new moves to your arsenal to keep training fun for you and your clients.
Here is what you will learn when you Join The Consummate Athlete:
Mastering the snatch & the clean & jerk. How should you position your back & grab the bar and rack it for max efficiency? Depends on your bodytype. Learn more at TCA
The advanced kettlebell drills such as Double Kettlebell Snatch! Learn all the variations and progressions from beginner to advanced
Learn the different breathing techniques for max effort lifts and endurance lifts, particularly important with kettlebell sets that may last several minutes.
Learn how to build the most impressive triceps in the gym (have you seen my guns? ;)
Learn the most efficient techniques to appy to presses, cleans, rows, snatches, swings and more
Learn the benefits of when and why you should split your snatch or jerk
The advantages of doing double kettlebell training, who its appropriate for and how to do it safely.
Advanced stretching techniques for the power athlete.
How to position your body for maximum leverage to optimize efficiency.
Why gymnastic fundamental positions are the ultimate core drills and how to master these technical exercises.
How to avoid over-training and learn the importance of periodization in your training. You cannot have it all, all of the time.
What is the best ballistic KB exercise for strength and power and how to handle more weight than you thought was possible in the safest manner possible.
The best exercises for speed and explosive strength and what the best set and rep ranges are for maximal benefit depending on level of the athlete.
What are the best exercises for full body explosive power
The biggest mistakes that athletes make with program design and why many trainees are over-trained stimulus addicts.
Why nutrition is paramount for optimal performance and who should supplement and with what for best results
Matt Ittner
My name is Matt Ittner and I am currently a rising senior at Virginia Wesleyan College where I play baseball. When it has come to my training for the past two years I have been under the guidance of Matt Wichlinski. Matt produced an eight-week program this winter for me to get my body geared and primed up for the spring season to come. The gains and results that I saw from completing the program were tremendous. In my Olympic lifts I set PRs twenty pounds greater in both the hang power snatch and the hang power clean. Also in my strength lifts I set PRs in both the deadlift and the squat. Not only did my strength and power increase but my overall athleticism was at an all time high because of the variety of bodyweight movements that were also in the program that led to an increase in flexibility. Matt also preached that soft tissue, prehab, and rehab work were going to be a key part of me reaching my maximum potential from the program. I took pride in foam rolling, lacrosse ball work, and scapular exercises with bands, and I can say now that that had a huge impact on my recovery throughout the program and allowed me to train at optimal performance all of the time.
The second part of this testimonial I am going to talk about the values Matt Wichlinski has instilled in me through his training methods because they played a major role in the type of season I had this year. Going into the spring season I had very high goals for myself because of the success I had both on the field and in the weight room throughout the preseason months. Well to say the least, I struggled tremendously at the start of the season. I believe through the first 15 games I was batting under .100. For those that don’t know too much about baseball you usually don’t have a job for too long with those types of numbers. Was I frustrated? Hell Yes! Did I ever think about giving up? Hell No! I remember thinking back to days at Matt’s Strength Shop when it was 100 degrees outside and I had prowler sprints at the end. Anybody who has ever messed with the prowler on a hot day knows that feeling; legs almost feel numb, knees are weak, and that oh so famous feeling in the stomach starts to creep in known as the “Prowler Flu.” Matt taught me to embrace that feeling of discomfort and learn how to fight through it for it would make me stronger in the long run. There was plenty of times were the prowler got the best of me and I might of painted the road with my lunch from a couple of hours before, but the thing I always made sure of was that I gave my max effort every single time. I can say now if it wasn’t for the type of training Matt put me through over the past two years there is no way I would have turned around my season the last twenty games the way I did and end up with the fourth highest batting average on the team which was .300. The mentality of never giving up and when shit starts hitting the fan the only option is to nut up and grind harder is something Matt Wichlinski help instill in me as not only an athlete but as a person as well. All of the programming and training is great but having the right mentality is the key to success.
Chase Kyriacou
I completed an 8 week program Matt made up for me and my buddy during my winter break and man did it help me this season. Matts training methods “Bridges the gap” from the weight room to the playing field. My arm strength, bat speed, and foot speed really improved and I performed at a high level for the entire season. Being a utility guy requires me to be in top shape and I got that training with Matt. Bottomline, training with Matt was the best decision I have ever made for improving my performance. Want to dominate and be the best? Choose Matt.
Kyle Davis
I am just an average guy. I am not a super beast like Matt Wichlinski, just a 30 year old guy putting my dues in to be the strongest version of me. I trained with Matt for 2 years at The Strength Shop in VA Beach. Matt is an amazingly talented coach. Matt helped me go from being a very skinny 155 pound guy to a pretty well build 190 pound guy in that time. Matttaught me so much in that time but the most important lesson he always emphasized was to train my BODY as a whole. Did you get that? Matt is all about training the body as one muscle, as a unit, as it was meant to be used. Not one body part at a time, bit by bit, piece by piece. Matt is about being Strong (as if the name did not tell you) and knows how to train to get there.
Like all good things the days at the strength shop in VA Beach had to come to an end. Matt moved to Florida to continue his guru-ship with new people in new places. Shortly after he moved, on Dec 2nd 2012, I had an unfortunate accident at work and broke my right ankle bone and tore two ligaments. I underwent and ankle surgery on Dec 17th and then had to recover and do some minor physical therapy. As I was stuck at home with little to do but ice my ankle and play video games I had much time to think about what type of training I would use to recover and get my strength back. As I transitioned from cast with crutches, to boot with crutches, to boot, to ankle support, I saw my leg muscles vanish before my eyes. I am sure many of you have had similar injuries and know what I am talking about.
My choice of program might surprise you or maybe not. Of all the options I considered I decide on “Starting Strength” by Mark Rippetoe. Matt had introduced me to this book in our first months of training and we used similar principle at The Strength Shop all the time. To learn more about it go to startingstrength.com.
My goal was to see the strength I had lost in my legs come back. I stuck with the program for 18 weeks. Here are my numbers that I started with 7 weeks after my injury. All these are for 5 set of 3
Squat-225 Bench-175 Deadlift-275 Clean-could not do for the first 5 weeks of training then started at 135 at week 5.
Here is how I finish
Squat-325 Bench-210 Deadlift-385 Clean-185 (probably could do more but I am in a commercial gym that would not want me dropping weight)
Feel free to send me questions at [email protected] or just ask Matt he is the real guru!