While the other overhead press variations are good, the jerk is even better because it is a much more of an athletic movement. Without your legs producing a lot of force, you will never be able to jerk a good amount of weight.
In the video to the right, Jon North of Cal Strength demonstrates a clean & jerk. The clean gets the weight from the floor to your shoulders, while the jerk gets the weight from shoulders to overhead. If you only want to practice the jerk, you can pull the bar out of a rack, or use training blocks. If you do not know what I mean when I say that, you are not ready for this exercise and should stick to strict presses for now. | |

One of the main benefits of farmer walks is they are less taxing on the body then deadlifts. Perform these by walking with heavy dumbbells, kettlebells for a certain distance or time.
"Its a great idea to end two or three training sessions a week with some form of carries. Start light and make short trips, work your way up over time. They are one of my favorite exercises due to the tons of benefits and accessibility of the exercise." - Matt Wichlinski
Gymnastic rings are my favorite variation because the shoulders and abs must work harder to stabilize.

Not only are pull-ups a great indication of relative body strength but they are also the best exercise to strengthen vertical pulling.

"Lie face down on an incline bench or chest-supported row machine and start off lighter than you think you should. This is a humbling exercise and to get the full benefits you need to use a full ROM (range of motion). Follow the keys and you'll be fine: stretch out at the bottom, pull through the elbows, and squeeze at the midpoint." - Mike Robertson | |
If you want a program specifically designed to increase your athleticism and transform you into a freak athlete, check out my Lift Like A Man Training Course.