-run faster, pull more, jump higher, have the glutes that every guy envies...
The equipment isn't the best part of the video, but learning how to assist yourself is crucial for most people who can not perform the movement effectively.
Glute Hame Raise -run faster, pull more, jump higher, have the glutes that every guy envies... The equipment isn't the best part of the video, but learning how to assist yourself is crucial for most people who can not perform the movement effectively. I know this is not a true glute ham raise, they are actually natural leg curls, or Nordic raises, tomAtoes or tomatoes, it doesnt really matter that much, what matters is that they strengthen the backside pretty effectively. I know this is not as good as any piece that Westside or EliteFTS puts out, they are obviously better. But, they are $700-$2000 more expensive. If you have the cash and space, by all means get the good stuff. But this will get you going and probably sufficient for most people. I have a real GHR from Garage Gym Store (which I do NOT recommend, sorry), but I choose to perform the movement this way sometimes as well, just like I vary my style of pushups. There's more than one way to flog a molly. I just got tired of finding a place to tuck my feet under or getting someone to hold my feet, or holding someone else's feet while they strain with the movement and rip a fart in your face. This is easy to put together, very cheap or free with available parts, and requires very little time and effort for the strength you can gain in your posterior chain. This is also a great way to spot yourself and adjust the resistance/assistance for the movement.
In the following video I discuss a few options we all have available to us to help our shoulders start feeling better right now. Please share your thoughts and perhaps any considerations you have for good shoulder mobility or simply good shoulder warm up, prehab or rehab exercises. There are many out there, what do you like?
After downing that delicious shake last night, I feel totally amped up and need to hit a quick workout today. But I also need to recover for the insane week of training thats about to commence. So I will do both. I'm gonna hit the cold shower for some recovery, and do a little light lifting, make sure I have some fun, and maximize my time. How do you like to get your training in when conditions are not ideal? We often do not have time to hit the gym, energy to lift a finger, or or mentality to make a move when the cards are on the table. How do you man up and do the things that others won't do? you know the deal...
"We do today what others won't, we do tomorrow what others can't" I love that shit! And speaking of shit, see if you can spot the shit attack in the video... enjoy. Like many topics concerning strength and conditioning, the use and application of a reverse hyper machine is polarizing to say the least. Some love it, some fear that it will ruin you. Some people excessively swing the weight, other's lift with more control. Some flex the lumbar spine to huge degrees, while other's manage to only flex at the hip? What is right or wrong? My guess is whatever helps you feel and perform better. The reverse hyper and similar movements have always helped rehab my back, and it has amazing abilities to get you feeling good almost instantly. I do not use it as a strength builder however, only as an assistance exercise. I do not swing excessively, nor do my feet come all the way up under my face when I perform the movement. I will allow my spine to flex slightly, mostly due to tight posterior chain muscles, and I will lift the legs out straight and under control. I have read the research, and I have performed the movement many times, and I must say that I enjoy the doing it and it makes me feel beeter. With that being said, I do not own the machine. What to do now? Here is one example how to craft your way into a decent exercise that many very strong people swear by. Try it out and see for yourself if you do not already have one in your gym.
November 2016
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