Then came Phase 2 where I broke up the training a bit to allow for more recovery between training sessions. Instead of a linear progression with the loads, I did a step loading process where I stay at the same weight a little longer before progressing to the next level. I also broke up the training with an upper/lower split. This Phase lasts about 8-10 weeks and is broken up into 2 cycles.
Finally, enter Phase 3. This Phase will last much longer and have many cycles. This is basically a "Conjugate System for Athletes" if you will. There is more need for recovery, the weights are getting heavier, there is much more dynamic work involved, and there is an equal balance of speed and strength with barbell and bodyweight elements. Each Phase is building off of the previous Phase. Too often I see the same lame bodyweight exercises being performed with no logical progression to increased complexity. It often comes down to doing more reps, faster. But the need for increased complexity is evident and thats what I am trying to do. This is not really a conditioning program, but you WILL get very conditioned with the amount of practice. This is a strength and skill program that focuses on gaining mastery of the basics and eventually moving closer and closer to refinement of advanced skills.
I may never master these skills, but I am being diligent and putting in the work every day. With the use of bodyweight training I can train more frequently without pain, without having the burden of getting to the gym or needing more recovery. I am not trying to be an olympic gymnast or weightlifter, or join the circus, but I am enjoying the process of my training. I am not rushing things and I feel better than I have in years. The combination of strength, stability and power, using a mix of barbell, kettlebell and bodyweight training in an organized manner has had a profound effect on my training and body composition, with the help of a solid nutritional plan, of course.
My preferred nutrition plan for optimal strength, performance, recovery and body composition is Carb Back-Loading because it is simple and effective. I do not have time to weigh and measure food, nor do I care to, and following these simple rules allow me to live my life without being a slave to my diet, like many body builders, and still gain the strength and physique goals I am looking for. It's really about minimal sacrifice and maximal gains. I'm not saying you can eat whatever you want anytime you want, but if you train hard and follow the rules, you can have more fun and get better results. If you have any questions or comments, please post up, I'd love to chat with you and simply answer your questions. Check out the weeks training highlights below.