-increase weight, use DB's if necessary
2a.) Bench Press 4x1-1-1
2b.) Face pulls + scarecrows 4x8-10
-use rings or suspension trainer
3a.) Ring pushups x minimum 80 total reps in as few sets as possible
3b.) Pullups x minimum 80 total reps in as few sets as possible
-after every broken set, switch exercises
-if you do a set of 30, then 22, then 18, for a total of 70, don't just do 10 more and quit, give it your best effort on your last set and every set
3-5 rounds
4a.) Double Unders x 30 seconds
- rest 30 seconds
4b.) KB Swings x 30 seconds
- rest 30 seconds
4c.) Burpees x 30 seconds
- rest 30 seconds
Count total reps of each
Don't forget our kettlebell and bodyweight workshop is coming up on the 6th of November! Get on board! E-mail me today!!