Give it a quick watch and let me know how much more awesome you feel. Greg Everett refers to this basic drill as Russian Baby Makers in this article, but he simply pushes out his legs manually. I feel the inclusion of bands provides added assistance and slightly different benefit because you can put yourself in a few different positions while not pushing your femurs out manually, so let me know what you think after you try it. I have seen similar drills with one band at a time, but not yet seen both legs distracted simultaneously. There is tons of tremendous information available from guys like Greg at Catalyst Athletics, Kit Laughlin at Posture and Flexibility, Kelley Starrett at MWOD and Smitty from Diesel Crew have great innovative ideas for enhanced performance. Maybe lots of people do this already, but I haven't seen it yet, probably because I don't spend hours searching the interwebz daily. Also, I am not claiming to invent anything, I just want to feel better and help you do the same. Some of my verbiage is probably wrong here, but I don't care because the fact remains, I feel more awesome after doing this.