Because I love physical culture, and you do too, here is a gem that was written over a hundred years ago by one of the greatest strongmen that ever lived, Arthur Saxon. You will notice how some things come full circle, but every time they come around, hopefully we make them just a little better and don't take away from the original beauty.There are so many eye opening parts of this book that make you realize that what we think we are inventing today, was already introduced a long time ago. Some things have been lost, but thanks to those old time strength and mustache lovers these pages have been preserved for you to enjoy.
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"Hey Undergrounders, I’m so fired up this morning I can’t even describe it. Been watching and downloading the USC until 2a.m. This is by far the best product I’ve seen so far on the facets of attitude, commitment, success, business AND life. No, I’m not getting payed by Zach or anything. This is just great stuff. Funny thing – I’m not even in the fitness industry. hahaha… Brendan Gilliam kicked it so hard last night for me I woke up at 6.30am and was ready to go. Kicked in half of MURPH before my morning coffee (25pullups, 150squats, 100pushups, 100KBswings, 25pullups), and I’m rokin. Getting stuff done, moving negative stuff out of the way, kicking it. Yeah!" Cheers" - Sven - Get the Underground Strength Conference 2012 HERE ****************** Success Comes In MANY Forms & Has NO Boundaries Lessons Learned From The First Ever Underground Strength Conference At the first ever Underground Strength Conference I was struck by how different the line up of Coaches were. Every presenter was a certified Underground Strength Coach except one. One Coach was running his business primarily from an 800 sq ft warehouse along with some training off site at the local park and inside a car dealership. Yes, you read that correctly.... a car dealership. He was cranking everything from boot camps, to athlete strength & conditioning programs, to youth athletes, to ex athletes and more. This Coach maximized his tiny space and leveraged every person and opportunity that walked through his doors. He even started his business the week after Thanksgiving when every news channel was hyping the downfall of our economy a few years ago. The news channels were insisting that everyone lock themselves in their houses and dare not spend anything extra even as little as their favorite cup of Starbuck's coffee. He refused to listen to the news and the naysayers, instead, he followed his gut instincts and his mission that he believed in. Another Coach, a former Navy SEAL and his wife, had over 400 members in only 2 years. 5 months after the Underground Strength Conference and now they have over 500 members. Do you think you can learn from a Coach who is a former Navy SEAL with a gym that has OVER 500 members??!! Underground Strength Conference 2012 How does he do this? Find out inside The Underground Strength Conference! I'll be back tomorrow with the rest of these tips so stay tuned for Part II Till then, get after it and do more for the people you meet, dial in your mission and get crystal clear at how you want your training biz to operate. Underground Strength Conference 2012 |