If you don't take massive action, resistance will stop you like a brick wall.
- Professor Mathews
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not: it is the first lesson which ought to be learned, and, however early a man's training begins, it is usually the last lesson he learns thoroughly.
- Professor Huxley
Why does it take some people three times longer to get their work done than others? Well, some men do things three times over. They do them once in anticipation, once in actuality, and once more in rumination. Your goal should be to do them once, do it in actuality, and do it right the first time. That doesn't mean you should rush through sloppily, it means you should take aggressive action, make necessary corrections and move on with your productivity. Don't dwell on perfection, but focus on progress.
Pressfield said many men have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance.
This goes for all the people that had great intentions to start something amazing in their lives. That might be a new exercise regimen, so they get a new membership to the gym, but never make more than a single trip or two to make the magic happen. Maybe they wanted to start a healthier diet, but never could stop stuffing their face full of sugary goodies. Late at night they may have had a revelation to do something amazing with their life, but in the morning they never had the guts to take the first step towards their remarkable goals. It was just too hard to take the effort to make real change.
Are you a weightlifter who doesn't lift? Are you a trainer who doesn't train? Are you a sexy beast who has a few extra rolls wrapped around your gut? What is the resistance that is preventing you from taking action to get what you want and deserve? Resistance is toxic. It needs to be removed from your life like a burglar from your home in the middle of the night. When you are sleeping and you hear the floor boards creaking from that robber trying to steal your hard earned energy in the middle of the night, you need to grab your pistol and shoot that bastard in the face. It needs to be stopped immediately. Momentum is strong, and when you take action, regardless of what direction, it is contagious, great things happen. However, when you are always waiting for the right time, and no action takes place, that non-movement and non-action is contagious as well. Nothing is harder than pushing a stagnant boulder over a speed bump. But if you get that fucker rolling with a little speed, you'll jump right over that resistance like a 10 year old on a big wheel. So get rolling and do not let resistance gain the momentum. If your resistance gains the momentum, it will kick your ass from coast to coast while your productivity sits stagnate for years.
Start right now, begin that new experiment you wanted to do, launch that new product, get that website rolling, take the first step on your exercise regimen, throw the cigarettes out, make the better decision with your food and nutrition, throw out all the garbage and don't allow it to be an option, increase your education like you said you were going to do years ago.
I don't know what your resistance is, but we all have it, it is a battle that we need to fight every day. And it has no conscience, it will fuck you up and leave you hopelessly wondering around like a vagabond without a penny. Stop it before it attacks, slap that bitch in the face. It's not even personal, its resistances job to keep you unproductive. It's your job to kick its fucking ass and do something great. Its your responsibility to do something amazing in this world so more people can benefit from your greatness. Everyone experiences setbacks, You need to be the one to break through the walls and push forward when others are sitting idle.
There is no more procrastination. Now is the time to do what needs to be done. There is no tomorrow. Nothing will make you more successful than immediate action. Take it now and get moving in the direction of your dreams.
Tonight is the final night of our 50% OFF SALE at THE CONSUMMATE ATHLETE.
If you have ever wanted to learn more about Olympic lifting, Gymnastic strength Training, Powerlifting, CrossFit, you want to enhance your athleticism, or just get more jacked and look more awesome, this is the place for you.
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One of the best features of joining The Consummate Athlete now is the fact that you will be part of our family. We already have tons of information to help you reach your goals, plus another year for only 50 bones, but you get all of your questions answered by experts and professionals in the strength and fitness field. You have questions, we have answers. We have support and solutions to your problems.
Give us a shot, I guarantee you that you will never invest $50 more wisely into your health and strength and fitness than you will by joining us for the next year.
If you have any questions, please ask soon, this sale ends tonight, Sunday, June 10th, at midnight.
Thanks for hanging with us, see you on the other side.
Fight your resistance and increase your productivity now. Click here to join The Consummate Athlete at your special limited time discounted rate right now.