I am learning to embrace the road more and focus on the destination less. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that this is where you're gonna be for quite a while. There's no way around it. So instead of surfing all the interweb forums and trying to change every single thing you do and know about training, maybe you just have to be happy and accept the place where you are currently. Well then, how do you know when is long enough to be hanging out on this current plateau? That will vary for everyone, so the answer is not so clear. But I do know this, if you push too hard too often, you will break. Progress comes quick for the newbie. So when your progress comes slower and slower but you feel as if you're working harder and harder, it is kind of a right of passage into a higher grade of training. But don't go thinking you're elite of a sudden, you have to go through intermediate stages first. Only amateurs make constant progress. | A lot of people brag and boast about how they took this 16 year old kid to "BEAST" status in 3 weeks, broke pr's in 7 categories, went through hell and back with the 6 am fitness crew... Isn't that what's supposed to happen when you work with beginners? Yes, only beginners make constant progress, and that progress could have come from your ingenious programming or by flipping over a deck of cards and performing whatever random task was assigned for that card. Everything comes in stages, from our motivation, strength, goals, everything, it all moves in stages and we have to constantly reevaluate what and why and how and when, etc. I say this to those of you who have been busting your ass and feel kind of stuck. You just need to keep turning your wheels and you'll bust loose soon. Never give up, keep churnin' and burnin', baby! I just hope that is not merely a pussy way of saying I haven't PR'd in a while... |