1.) Intensity. While this list is not exhaustive, nor is it in order from most to least significant, I think this key, intensity, stands alone at the top of the list. The rest of the keys will be more relevant to your personal needs. Intensity can be defined different ways, but what we are talking about here is how hard you are working towards your goal. If you really want something, you better go get it and don't let anything stand in your way. There is no wall tall enough, no ocean deep enough, and no chain thick enough to keep you from where you want to be. Attack with ferocity, make no excuses, and take no prisoners. Take massive action. You absolutely must work hard, period. I can not emphasize this enough. You will be rewarded if you are working your ass off, even if you are doing some things the wrong way. Perfection is not necessary right from the start, but massive action is. That does not mean I recommend doing a lot of something the wrong way, but I would expect you to "go all in" and invest your heart and soul to reach your goal. If something is not working, you must recognize it and make adjustments along the way. Making a true decision and committing to it for the long haul while attacking it with intensity will guarantee success.
2.) Programming. Now that you have decided to take massive action, and train with appropriate intensity, it would certainly help to have a road map to where you want to be. Programming is all about having a plan of action. Working really hard is certainly going to get you somewhere, but it might not get you exactly where you want to be as fast as possible. I know when I get in my car to go somewhere, whether it's the bank, store, gym, grandma's house, etc. I know exactly which direction to go, and the most direct route possible. Driving 10 miles west to go 4 miles east is almost the athletic equivalent of doing 1000 curls to get one pullup. Not a great route if you ask me. Having a wise and detailed plan of action will significantly enhance your ability to create the most athletic version of yourself possible. A great idea is to follow in the footsteps of those who emulate what you want to be.
3.) Mentality. When on your path to achieving greatness in sport, business, or life in general, it is imperative to maintain a warrior positivity. No matter how good, bad, or hard things get, you must remain positive that what you are doing is worth the effort. Too many people quit right before they see the fruits of their labor. The day you quit, is the day before great things happen. So you just gotta go hard one more day, you can quit tomorrow, but today you work hard. When you believe you can do it, your heart will keep pumping that vitality into the dream you have created for yourself. Coupled with massive action, positivity and believing that you can create greatness, is a major asset in your pursuit of dominance. Then it's just a matter of time before you, and everyone around you, realizes the drastic changes you have made, and earned, in your quest to becoming what you want. It helps to separate yourself from negativity completely. If someone does not believe in you, or support your goals, they do not deserve to be in your presence. So do yourself a favor, surround yourself with like-minded people who have a similar mentality as yourself.
This is part 1 of a 3 part post. Feel free to share this on your Facebook page and comment below with your own thoughts. I have 2 more parts to come, so don't think I forgot something important yet.
If you're in or near the UK, you need to check out the Strength & Conditoning for Athletic Domination Seminar I am co-hosting with Sean Keefe and Zoran Dubaic at Strength & Performance in Manchester on Saturday, May 14th, 2011. Its going to be an amazing seminar with tons of information covered from bodyweight and kettlebell training, strongman and olympic lifting, sandbags and anything else that can enhance your skills and make you a more dominant athlete!