1. KB bottoms up clean and press 3x6-8
2a. BB press 5x5
2b. Scapular retractions 5x10-15
-hanging from pullup bar, retract and squeeze your scapulae and pause at top, repeat, don't relax at bottom and let your shoulder come out of socket, stay active
3a. Pullups 3-5 x max
-touch chin to fist every rep, switching fist every rep
-rest about 30-45 seconds
3b. Dips 3-5 x max
-use rings or parallel bars according to your ability and availability
-rest about 60-90 seconds
Rest 5 minutes, then 3 rounds for time, 10 minute max limit
1 arm KB snatch 10/10
sitouts 20
recline rows 15
burpees 10