Strength and Conditioning for Athletic Domination Seminar
You either get serious about your training for sport or you get crushed. You do not train slow and you certainly don't half ass anything! All the tools you will need to dominate will be presented in this 1 day seminar. We will be addressing the best bang for your buck explosive full body training techniques. These exercises build insane speed, power and explosiveness! Dozens of upper body and lower body strength building exercises will be covered. Incorporating kettlebells, bodyweight training, sandbag and dumbbell training and more into your program will be covered from all angles. All sorts of accessory and assistance exercises to balance your training and address your weakness will be presented as well.
Whats the best way to incorporate certain exercises for your particular sport?
Why train one way vs. another?
How can an integrated program enhance my overall athleticism?
These questions and so much more will be covered and you will discover the answers to the problems that have been holding you back from dominating everything you do in the gym and on the field! Even if you just want to be more fit, training like an athlete is the best way to burn fat, build muscle and live a happier, healthier life, IF you know how to train safely and effectively.
If you have any questions or concerns, ask me directly, or my buddies Zoran and Sean over at S&P.
Athletic Domination Seminar
Saturday, May 14th at Strength & Performance with Me, Zoran and Sean for only 100 British Bucks!